3 Part Warm-Up


2:00 minute Machine Choice


2 Sets, For Quality

40 second Dead-Hang or 20/20 Single Arm Hang

30/30 second Kettlebell Hip Shift

1:00 minute Alternating 90-90 Hip Switch

10/10 x 90-90 Get-ups

Specific Warm-Up

2 Sets, For Quality

10 Alternating Lateral Lunges

20 Bear Plank Shoulder Taps

10 Scapular Pull-Ups

20 second Glute Bridges

Bodyweight Conditioning  Benchmark


For Time

100 Pull-Ups

100 Push-Ups

100 Sit-Ups

100 Air Squats

Time Domain: 13:00-20:00 minutes

Time Cap: 25:00 minutes

Objectives / Stimulus / RPE / Workout Strategy

Primary Objective: Complete the workout under the time cap. 

Secondary Objective: Complete each movement in the chipper faster than the preceding movement. This means that push-ups are to be done faster than pull-ups, sit-ups faster than push-ups, and air squats faster than sit-ups. This is the way it is written and will naturally increase the level of metabolic output over just pure muscular stamina. 

Stimlus: Bodyweight Conditioning / Murph Prep

RPE: 9/10

Athlete Notes + Workout Strategy 

Plan to break early and often here. Even going with the goal of just maintaining sets of 5 here, but minimizing rest will be key to tackling this workout effectively. The overall approach for the best result is to rest the least amount of time rather than hang onto the largest sets. Start off steady and plan to tackle this workout in around the 18:00-20:00 minute mark for most athletes.


