Rest up to 60 secs Between Sets and 2 mins Between Waves.
Increase Loads Slightly With Each Wave.
Wave #1:
8 Back Squats 60 %
6 Back Squats 70 %
4 Back Squats 80 %
Wave #2:
8 Back Squats 62.5 %
6 Back Squats 72.5 %
4 Back Squats 82.5 %
200m Run
20 Wall Balls 9/6
200m Run
20 DB Snatch 22.5/25
20 Box Jumps
20 Box Jumps
20 DB Snatch 22.5/15
200m Run
20 Wall Balls 9/6
200m Run
20 Burpees
Workout starts on the box, if needed share a box. Fastest athlete starts, once they have finished 20 box jumps second athlete can then start their 20 box jumps/workout.