SATURDAY Feb 17 Written By David Koni General Warm-Up: Build intensity on each set3 Sets, For Quality 200m Run 5/5 Pendulum Lunges10 Alternating Single Arm Kettlebell Swings10 Mountain Climber to Lunge StretchInto.. 3 Sets20 second Stationary Banded SprintRest 40 seconds between banded sprintsFlock of Seagulls"2 Rounds with a Partner for Time800m Run 50 Burpees to Target, 6 inch above reach50 American Kettlebell Swings50 Goblet LungesBoth partners will run together, but will split the rest of the workload. If a partner is back on the run before their partner they can begin to complete the required repetitions. David Koni
SATURDAY Feb 17 Written By David Koni General Warm-Up: Build intensity on each set3 Sets, For Quality 200m Run 5/5 Pendulum Lunges10 Alternating Single Arm Kettlebell Swings10 Mountain Climber to Lunge StretchInto.. 3 Sets20 second Stationary Banded SprintRest 40 seconds between banded sprintsFlock of Seagulls"2 Rounds with a Partner for Time800m Run 50 Burpees to Target, 6 inch above reach50 American Kettlebell Swings50 Goblet LungesBoth partners will run together, but will split the rest of the workload. If a partner is back on the run before their partner they can begin to complete the required repetitions. David Koni