
400m Run


Broomstick Dynamic Flow


3 Sets, With Empty Barbell

3 Hang Muscle Snatch

3 Hang Power Snatch

3 Hang Muscle Cleans

3 Hang Power Cleans



3 Rounds for Time

400/300m Row

10 Power Snatch

300m Run

10 Power Cleans

Load:  50/35kg


3 Rounds for Time

500/400m Row

10 Power Snatch

400m Run

10 Power Cleans

Load: 60/40kg

Objectives / Stimulus / RPE / Workout Strategy

Goal Time Domain 16:00-20:00

Time Cap: 25:00

Stimulus: Barbell Conditioning / Lactate Threshold

RPE: 8/10

Primary Objective: Complete each working round in under 8:00 minutes

Secondary Objective: Consistency across all rounds

This will take pacing and strategy today in order to build consistency here in the workout. The focus will be to hit the first row at a harder effort than then next two rounds. We will then look to hit the snatches as quick singles today before going out on a strong pace for the run. This will have us coming back in and tackling some tng reps on the Power Cleans before settling into a more recovery pace on the Rower. Because the rower is set to meters today, the overall pace on the rower is less of a concern than staying consistent and putting the effort into the barbell and runs.

Optional Accessories :

For Quality:

10:00 EMOM

minute 1: 30 second Weighted Sorenson Hold

minute 2: 8 Dual Dumbbell Seated Arnold Press, Heavy


