
Partner Rowing Golf

1000m For Time, Alternating Partners Every 100m

Each athlete will row until the 100m mark, then 200m mark, then 300m mark and so on until the partner pair hits 1000m.

Penalty burpees will be assessed for any meters over or under 100m. This means that the athlete will row until around the 75-85m mark and finish pulling on the rower. The meters will begin rolling towards the 100m mark. If the meters go over 2 meters then both partners must perform 2 burpees before changing partners. Partner 2 will then row from 100-200m and if the partner stops rowing and the meters stop 4 meters short of 200m, then both partners must complete 4 burpees before partner 1 gets back on the rower and rows until the 300m mark. This will continue until 1000m on the Rower.

Barbell Prep

3 Sets, Building to Working Weight

1 Power Clean

3 Shoulder to Overhead

5 Deadlifts

3 Sets into..

8 Romanian Deadlifts

6 Tall Muscle Cleans

4 Strict Press



20:00 minute AMRAP, Alternating Full Rounds with a Partner

3 Power Clean

6 Shoulder to Overhead

9 Deadlifts

Load: 70/47.5kg

Objectives / Stimulus / RPE / Workout Strategy

Primary Objective: Complete each set of Power Cleans and Shoulder to Overhead Unbroken 

Secondary Objective: Complete 9+ rounds/each of the barbell complex 

Stimulus: Barbell Cycling and Conditioning

RPE: 8/10

Workout Flow and Athlete Notes: 

We should choose loads that allow for unbroken power cleans into an unbroken set of shoulder to overhead prior to dropping the bar and hitting an unbroken set of 9 deadlifts prior to your partner hitting the barbell. If done this way we are expecting each set to take around 45 seconds, which means a total of 20-24 rounds total or 10-12 rounds per partner. This will develop a good dose and stimulus for the day on the barbell and provide some good barbell cycling practice.


