SATURDAY Feb 11 Written By David Koni CONDITIONING PERFORMANCE and FITNESS Teams of 3 AMRAP 15 HSPU or HR Pushups 15 Burpees15 T2B 3 Rounds 750/600m Row 200m Run as a team 30 Power Snatch 50/35 2 Rounds 60 DB Snatch 22.5/15 60 Single Arm DB Push Press 22.5/15 60 DB Squats 22.5/15 David Koni
SATURDAY Feb 11 Written By David Koni CONDITIONING PERFORMANCE and FITNESS Teams of 3 AMRAP 15 HSPU or HR Pushups 15 Burpees15 T2B 3 Rounds 750/600m Row 200m Run as a team 30 Power Snatch 50/35 2 Rounds 60 DB Snatch 22.5/15 60 Single Arm DB Push Press 22.5/15 60 DB Squats 22.5/15 David Koni