For Time
Strict HSPU
*10 T2B to Finish Each Round
Barbell: 125/85kg
% on Deadlift should be no higher than 70% of 1RM
Objectives / Stimulus / RPE / Workout Strategy
Goal Time Domain: 6:00-8:00
Time Cap: 12:00
Primary Objective: Completing each set of Handstand Push-Ups in 2 sets or less
Secondary Objective: Unbroken Deadlift reps
Stimulus: Mixed Strength Stamina Work
RPE: 8/10
Notes: We are working into a fun triplet here with the focus on a "Diane" feel of a workout with the goal of pushing the pace on the gymnastics components before setting up for a solid set of a challenging unbroken load on the Deadlifts today. The added midline fatigue from holding the strict position overhead as well as the midline control and bracing on the Deadlifts will add an extra element here to take into consideration. The first few sets should be held close to 90 seconds a round before trying to complete each subsequent round as close to 1:00 on the clock.