
400m run


:30/:30 Quadruped Adductor Hip Rock

:30 Down Dog Calf Stretch

:30/:30 Active Pigeon Stretch (5 sec Pause in Stretch)

:30/:30 Couch Stretch


2 Sets

10 Pause Glute Bridges (2sec)

:30 sec Dead-Bug Alternating Heel Taps

:30 sec Alternating Bird-Dogs

10 Romanian Deadlifts



Every 2:30 x 4 Sets

Set 1: 4 Reps @ 70%

Set 2: 3 Reps @ 75%

Set 3: 2 Reps @ 80%

Set 4: 2 Reps @ 85%

Extra Instructions / Goals

We are looking to progress weights today for 2 reps @ 85%. The focus here will be the first initial set-up and breaking tension off the floor. The rest between sets will be around that 2 minute mark to allow recovery and enough time to hit each set well. Scaling today will consist of the hex bar deadlift, sumo deadlift, or block deadlift.

"Flash Kick"

For Time:

400m Run

15 Deadlifts

400m Run

20 Deadlifts

400m Run

5 Deadlifts

400m Run

10 Deadlifts

Barbell: 102.5/70kg

Fitness. 300m Run Barbell. 75/45kg

Goal / Objectives / Notes

Goal: 12:00-18:00

Time Cap: 20:00

Score: Time

RPE: 9/10

Stimulus: Posterior Chain / Running Mechanics

Primary Objective: Unbroken Deadlifts

Secondary Objective: Overall Time

Push the pace. Pure and simple. The legs are going to get heavy as we go and we’re going to have to fight to keep the run paces hard and deadlifts unbroken in the back half of this workout.


