
2 Sets, For Completion

:30 sec Extended Reverse Plank Bridge

:30 sec Elevated Prayer Stretch (box)


2 Sets, For Quality

20 Bear Plank Shoulder Taps

10 Hollow Rocks

:10 sec Passive Hang + :10 sec Active Hang

5 Strict Knee Raises


Performance and Fitness

Every 5:00 x 4 Sets

2 "Wall Walk Complex"

10 Toe to Bar

15 second Tuck L-Hang

8 "Shoot Through Complex"

"Wall Walk Complex" = 1 Wall Walk + 15 second Nose to Wall Handstand Hold

"Shoot Through Complex" = Push-Up + Shoot Through + Dip + Shoot Through

Objectives / Stimulus / RPE / Workout Strategy

Stimulus: Gymnastics Development

RPE: 6/10

Primary Objective: Complete each set in under 4:00 minutes

Secondary Objective: Complete each movement in an unbroken set

Workout Flow and Notes:

We are looking for this to feel very flowy with one movement moving right into the next. We will start with the Wall Walk into the Handstand Hold complex right into the Strict Toe to Bar. We can work through Toe to Bar, Knee to Elbows, Knee Raises for the day before dropping down and then working into a Tuck L-Hang. The combo here is meant to create a good challenge for the midline and lats. We will then work into our upper body pressing strength as well as continued work for our midline with the use of the Shoot Through Complex which will have us hitting Push-Ups, Dips, and Shoot throughs

Shoot through Complex: 

  • Start by performing a push-up on two boxes, then lift your feet up to a support position as you sweep them through so that you are in an elevated upright reverse plank position. Perform one dip before going back into support and moving your feet back through to the top of an elevated plank position. 

  • Scaling today would consist of higher boxes and / or cutting out the push-up and the dip to make it just a shoot through. 

Core Finisher

"Escalating Durante"

8:00 AMRAP


Hollow Rocks


Tuck Ups

second Hollow Hold


