
2 Sets

20 seconds on / 10 second transition

- Dead-Hang From Pull-Up Bar

- Burpee Bar Touch

- Bar Kip Swings

- Ring Rows

- Alternating Single Arm Kettlebell Swings


For Time

6 Sets, Each For Time

8 Alternating Dumbbell Snatch

10 Box Jumps

12/9 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups

- Rest 1:00 b/t sets - 

Dumbbell: 27.5/22.5kg

Objectives / Stimulus / RPE / Workout Strategy

Goal: 1:00-1:30 Sets / 11:00-15:00 

Time Cap: 20:00

Score: Time

Stimulus: High Capacity Triplet / Sprinting

RPE: 9/10

Primary Objective: Aggressive on the Dumbbell

This is all about going fast and unbroken, and pushing transitions. Pretend each set is its own little race against the clock. We should be looking to keep the pull-ups to two sets or less no matter if it's first or last in the flow of that set, and the big separator will be our ability to hold pace on the box jump and dumbbell snatch, especially when we finish those odd sets with the dumbbell. 

Optional Accessories : Bodybuilding 

3 Sets, For Quality

10 Pendlay Dumbbell Rows

10 Dual Dumbbell Bicep Curls

15 Banded Face Pulls


