THURSDAY Nov 14 Written By David Koni Warm-Up400m Run---Broomstick WarmupPrayer StretchPass ThroughsRound The World Good Mornings OH Lunges OH Squats --2 Sets, For Quality3 Hang Snatch High Pull3 Hang Muscle Snatch3 Hang Power Snatch5 Overhead Squats7 Bar Kip Swings9 Hollow RocksWeightliftingPerformance 8:00 EMOM1 Power Snatch + 1 Overhead SquatPerform @ 70%+Fitness8:00 EMOM1 Power Clean + 1 Front SquatPerform @ 70%+Extra InstructionsLook to start at 70% and ideally build close to 100% of your 1RM Power Snatch for the Day. Big cues are patience, then speed through the middle."Saw Red" Fitness 15:00 AMRAP400m Run10 Front Squats-Unbroken Set of Kipping Knees Performance15:00 AMRAP400m Run10 Overhead Squats-Unbroken Set of Toe to BarLoad: 60/40kgScore = Total RepsEach Run = 10 RepsObjectives / Stimulus / RPE / Workout StrategyGoal: 120+ Reps Score = Run + Overhead Squat + Toe to Bar RepsPrimary Objective: Complete each Run + Overhead Squats in under 3:30Secondary Objective: Maintain sets of 10+ on the Toe to BarStimulus: Midline Stability and StaminaRPE: 8/10 David Koni
THURSDAY Nov 14 Written By David Koni Warm-Up400m Run---Broomstick WarmupPrayer StretchPass ThroughsRound The World Good Mornings OH Lunges OH Squats --2 Sets, For Quality3 Hang Snatch High Pull3 Hang Muscle Snatch3 Hang Power Snatch5 Overhead Squats7 Bar Kip Swings9 Hollow RocksWeightliftingPerformance 8:00 EMOM1 Power Snatch + 1 Overhead SquatPerform @ 70%+Fitness8:00 EMOM1 Power Clean + 1 Front SquatPerform @ 70%+Extra InstructionsLook to start at 70% and ideally build close to 100% of your 1RM Power Snatch for the Day. Big cues are patience, then speed through the middle."Saw Red" Fitness 15:00 AMRAP400m Run10 Front Squats-Unbroken Set of Kipping Knees Performance15:00 AMRAP400m Run10 Overhead Squats-Unbroken Set of Toe to BarLoad: 60/40kgScore = Total RepsEach Run = 10 RepsObjectives / Stimulus / RPE / Workout StrategyGoal: 120+ Reps Score = Run + Overhead Squat + Toe to Bar RepsPrimary Objective: Complete each Run + Overhead Squats in under 3:30Secondary Objective: Maintain sets of 10+ on the Toe to BarStimulus: Midline Stability and StaminaRPE: 8/10 David Koni