% based on 1RM Bench Press. You will perform 3 reps at a heavy load of 80% and then drop weight down to 70% and perform a set of 5 reps. Work with a partner where you perform at 0:00 and another at 1:30 on the clock.
12:00 EMOM
Min 1: Max Calorie Row
Min 2: Max Devils Press
Min 3: REST
Dumbbells: 22.5/15kg
Objectives / Stimulus / RPE / Workout Strategy
Goal: 10:00-12:00
Score: Running Time
RPE: 9/10
Primary Objective: Threshold Row Efforts
Secondary Objective: Dig In on Devils Press
Today we wrap up the week with a pulling endurance, high fitness demand couplet. This workout should feel very cyclical - steady, strong pulls on the rower and then maintaining an uncomfortable but smooth cadence on the devils press. The goal here is to push to complete this in the last 3 minute interval by trying to complete 8-10 reps each set within each working interval.