
2-3 Sets

:30 second Jump Rope

10 Alternating V-Ups

10 Deep Lunge Mountain Climbers

10 Air Squats

Barbell Primer

2-3 Sets at Each Position

High Hang (Hip), Then Hang (Knee)

- High Pull

- Muscle Clean

- Power Clean

Then build to working weights


Every 90 seconds x 6 Sets

2 Hang Power Cleans

Set 1: 75%

Set 2: 75%

Set 3: 80%

Set 4: 80%

Set 5: 85%

Set 6: 85%

Extra Instructions / Points of Performance

% is Based on 1RM Power Clean

Focus on catching each rep as high as possible, while maintaining good receiving positions.

Record Each Working Weight


14:00 AMRAP


10 Hang Power Clean

12 Kipping Knees

75 Single Under’s


10 Power Clean

15 Toes to Bar

50 Double Under’s

Barbell: 70/50kg

Goals / Objectives / Notes

Goal: 5-8 Rounds

Score: Rounds & Reps

RPE: 8/10

Primary Objective: Consistent Round Times

Secondary Objective: Barbell Pace

Today will be a grip and hip hinging focused triplet, where your ability to maintain a steady cadence throughout will win the day. Look to hit a touch and go set on the barbell to start each round, and then a few singles to recover the grip a bit as we go into a - hopefully - manageable set of toes to bar. Being able to treat the double under’s as a recovery station today will be crucial, otherwise we'll be left to lengthen our transitions to recover our breathing and stay composed over the course of this workout.

Optional Accessories

For Load:

3 Sets

40m Sled Push, Heavy

40m Sandbag Carry, Heavy

-rest 1:30 b/t sets-

Score: Heaviest Load (Including Sled

For the sled, I want every set today to be a challenging slug fest. The last 10m or so should have you grinding for each foot after a hard/fast start.


