WEDNESDAY Aug 21 Written By David Koni Warm-Up:2 Sets, Rotating Stations 30 seconds @ Each Station - 15 second Transition-Echo Bike, Building Pace-2 Alternating Step-Ups + 1 Box Jump-Inchworm Push-Ups-Strict Knees to ChestWorkout Primer5/4 Calorie Echo1 Burpee Box Jump Over3 Toe to Bar1 Burpee Box Jump OverRest 30 seconds and Repeat for 2 sets Total"Now We Are Free" Fitness 8 Sets, For Time7/5 Calorie Echo5 Burpee Box Jump Overs7 Kipping Knees -Rest 1:00 b/t sets- Performance 8 Sets, For Time9/7 Calorie Echo6 Burpee Box Jump Overs9/7 Toe to Bar-Rest 1:00 b/t sets-Box = 24/20’’Objectives / Stimulus / RPE / Workout StrategyStimulus: Midline and Quad Stamina / High Power OutputRPE: 8/10Primary Objective: Maintaining Consistent paces per set. This is a workout where there could be massive drop-offs if not tackled correctly. Secondary Objective: Each set of Burpee Box Jump Overs in under 40 seconds.Optional Accessories3 Sets, For Quality10 Weighted Russian Twists (Over and Back = 1)10 Alternating V-Ups 2/2 Single Arm Turkish Sit-Up1 Wall Walk + Max Wall Facing Handstand Hold-Rest as needed b/t sets- David Koni
WEDNESDAY Aug 21 Written By David Koni Warm-Up:2 Sets, Rotating Stations 30 seconds @ Each Station - 15 second Transition-Echo Bike, Building Pace-2 Alternating Step-Ups + 1 Box Jump-Inchworm Push-Ups-Strict Knees to ChestWorkout Primer5/4 Calorie Echo1 Burpee Box Jump Over3 Toe to Bar1 Burpee Box Jump OverRest 30 seconds and Repeat for 2 sets Total"Now We Are Free" Fitness 8 Sets, For Time7/5 Calorie Echo5 Burpee Box Jump Overs7 Kipping Knees -Rest 1:00 b/t sets- Performance 8 Sets, For Time9/7 Calorie Echo6 Burpee Box Jump Overs9/7 Toe to Bar-Rest 1:00 b/t sets-Box = 24/20’’Objectives / Stimulus / RPE / Workout StrategyStimulus: Midline and Quad Stamina / High Power OutputRPE: 8/10Primary Objective: Maintaining Consistent paces per set. This is a workout where there could be massive drop-offs if not tackled correctly. Secondary Objective: Each set of Burpee Box Jump Overs in under 40 seconds.Optional Accessories3 Sets, For Quality10 Weighted Russian Twists (Over and Back = 1)10 Alternating V-Ups 2/2 Single Arm Turkish Sit-Up1 Wall Walk + Max Wall Facing Handstand Hold-Rest as needed b/t sets- David Koni