*Women start at 6 Calories and increase by 2 each round
Score = Total Rounds + Reps
*You will pick up where you left off each AMRAP.
Objectives / Stimulus / RPE / Workout Strategy
Goal: 6 Rounds
Score: Rounds + Reps
Stimulus: Posterior Chain / Core
RPE: 7/10
Athlete Strategy, Workout Flow and Notes
The workout will build from round to round and we are making our way up the rep ladder with the focus on developing our posterior chain and midline. Watch out for the bike, as it will get sneaky hard here today. The focus on this one will be to keep the bike moderate to allow for a good transition into the Deadlifts and then breath through the sit-ups. Abmat sit-ups are sneaky and will end up really taxing the midline. If you have never gotten an ab pump before this is the style of workout that will definitely get you there.