OH Squat Prep
Overhead Squat:
Warm-up sets: 3 sets of 3 reps with a light to moderate weight
Working sets: Find your new 3RM Overhead Squat (aim to increase the weight from your initial 3RM)
Front Squat
Warm-up sets: 3 sets of 3 reps with a light to moderate weight
Working sets: Find your new 3RM Overhead Squat (aim to increase the weight from your initial 3RM)
For Time:
30 Double Unders, 10 Push Jerks 50/35
30 Double Unders, 20 KB Swings 24/20
30 Double Unders, 30 Wall Balls 9/6
30 Double Unders, 40 Med Ball Sit-ups
30 Double Unders, 30 Wall Balls
30 Double Unders, 20 KB Swings
30 Double Unders, 10 Push Jerks
For Time:
50 Single Unders, 10 Push Press
50 Single Unders, 20 KB Swings
50 Single Unders, 20 Wall Balls
50 Single Unders, 30 Situps
50 Single Unders, 20 Wall Balls
50 Single Unders, 20 KB Swings
50 Single Unders, 10 Push Press