High Hang (Hip), Hang (Knee), Low Hang (Below Knee)
- Clean High Pull
- Muscle Clean
- Power Clean
Then add loads, bar should be off the floor now
From the Floor x 2
- Clean Lift Off to Knee
- Slow Clean Pull
- Low Hang Power Clean
- Power Clean
Then Complex @ Real Speed, Building to Starting Loads
While building to working loads, build Bench Press to starting loads. Focal points, engagement of lats and mid-back, while locking in feet to floor and utilizing glutes. There will be a small arch in the lumbar spine and space between lumbar and bench.
18:00 EMOM
minute 1: 5 Bench Press 31x1 Tempo
minute 2: Clean Pull + 3 Power Cleans
minute 3: Rest
Bench @ 55-65%
Cleans @ 70%+ of 1RM Power Clean
* Cleans are not TnG
Goal / Stimulus / Objectives
Goal: Build to 80-82% on Cleans, while maintaining a strong consistent load across on Bench Press
Primary Objective: Maintaining Tempo on Bench and Positional Speed and Power on Cleans
Secondary Objective: Finish each set of Cleans in under 30 seconds. This means each rep is within 6 seconds of each other for a completed quick single set.
Stimulus: ATP / CP Pathway + Absolute Strength Development
RPE: 6/10
Notes: Today is about building strength and body positions. Lean into the form and tempo today. Chase that first then progress loads second. Do not let you ego get in the way.