2:00 Cardio Choice
2 Sets, For Quality
15 Banded Good Mornings
10 Alternating Box Step-Ups
10/10 Single Leg Foot Glute Bridge
5/5 DB Strict Press (Moderte)
Rope Climb Skill Work
5 minutes
"Triple Mushroom"
For Time: With a Partner
4 Rounds
28 Deadlifts
28 Box Jump Overs
28 Alternating DB Hang Clean and Jerks
6 Rope Climbs
Barbell: 102/70.5kg
Dumbbells: 22.5/15kg
Box: 24in/20in
Goals / Stimulus / Objectives
Goal: 16:00-22:00
Time Cap: 25:00
Score: Time
Stimulus: Posterior Chain and Pulling
RPE: 8/10