1 Round
Broomstick Complex
5 Pass Throughs
5 Good Mornings
5 OH Squats
5 Good Mornings
5 Pass Throughs
5 x 4:00 AMRAP (Resting 2:00 between AMRAPS)
5 Burpees
10 Bodyweight Lunges (5 per leg, stationary or travelling)
20 Crawlers (Prone hold/pushup position tapping knee behind hand alternating legs)
The idea is to go 90-95% effort completing as many rounds of the above AMRAP for 4 mins then Rest 2 mins for 5 Rounds
Up the Ante = 6 Rounds
Lower the Level = 4 Rounds
If you have equipment (DB + Skipping Rope)
6 Burpees
12 DB Snatch (6 per arm)
24 Double Under’s or 24 Single Skips
1 Round
10 Plank Get-Ups
:30 secs side plank L
:30 secs side plank R
15 V-Snaps
:30 secs side plank L
:30 secs side plank R
10 Plank Get-Ups
:30 secs side plank L
:30 secs side plank R