THURSDAY Oct 13 Written By David Koni MOBILITY/SPECIFIC PREP M1. Foam Roller Calves M2. Foam Roller Lats SP. Dynamic Travelling Series BODYWEIGHT SKILLS In Partners 1:1 FITNESS :40 Secs Double Under Attempts 3-6-9-6-3 Pull-ups PERFORMANCE 40 Double Under’s 3-6-9-6-3 C2B Pull-ups Partner A completes 40 double under’s 3 C2B Pullups then Partner B completes 40 double under’s 3 C2B Pullups then Partner A completes 40 double under’s 6 C2B Pullups then Partner B completes 40 double under’s 6 C2B Pullups then etc…..CONDITIONING (In Partners)18 min AMRAPPERFORMANCE and FITNESS 12:00 As Many Rounds As Possible10 Med Ball Sit-Ups 9/6 15 KB Swings 24/20 200/150m Sprint Row or Ski *Partners will alternate tasks only one working at a time-2:00 Rest-AMRAP5 Burpees 10 Alternating DB Hang Snatch 22.5/15 5 Burpees 10 HR Pushups *Partners will perform burpees in unison then alternate tasks David Koni
THURSDAY Oct 13 Written By David Koni MOBILITY/SPECIFIC PREP M1. Foam Roller Calves M2. Foam Roller Lats SP. Dynamic Travelling Series BODYWEIGHT SKILLS In Partners 1:1 FITNESS :40 Secs Double Under Attempts 3-6-9-6-3 Pull-ups PERFORMANCE 40 Double Under’s 3-6-9-6-3 C2B Pull-ups Partner A completes 40 double under’s 3 C2B Pullups then Partner B completes 40 double under’s 3 C2B Pullups then Partner A completes 40 double under’s 6 C2B Pullups then Partner B completes 40 double under’s 6 C2B Pullups then etc…..CONDITIONING (In Partners)18 min AMRAPPERFORMANCE and FITNESS 12:00 As Many Rounds As Possible10 Med Ball Sit-Ups 9/6 15 KB Swings 24/20 200/150m Sprint Row or Ski *Partners will alternate tasks only one working at a time-2:00 Rest-AMRAP5 Burpees 10 Alternating DB Hang Snatch 22.5/15 5 Burpees 10 HR Pushups *Partners will perform burpees in unison then alternate tasks David Koni