
Complete, For Quality

90-90 Seated Hip Rotations

20 Banded Face Pulls


3 Rounds

1:00 Machine Choice

10 Scap Pull-Ups + 5 Kip Swings + 2 Strict Pull-Ups

10/10 Banded Monster Walks

5 Hang Muscle Snatch

5 Hang Power Snatch

10 Scapular Push-Ups

"This Is SPARTA!"

For Reps: With a Partner

20:00 AMRAP

30 Pull-Ups

20 Dumbbell Bench Press

10 Power Snatch

Dumbbells (Bench Press): 22.5/15kg

Barbell (Power Snatch): 70/52kg

Objectives / Stimulus / RPE / Workout Strategy

Goal: 6+ Rounds

Score: Rounds & Reps

Stimulus: Functional Pump Conditioning

RPE: 7/10

Primary Objective: Complete each movement in as close to 1:00 as possible throughout

Secondary Objective: Keep big sets of 10+ reps on Pull-Ups

Strategy / Notes

Functional pump to begin the weekend. Managing transitions and breaks with your partner between movements will be key to how well you are able to maintain big sets and rack up as many reps as possible. The focus here is to keep the big sets on pull-ups bench press with the goal of hitting quick singles on the Power Snatch with the idea of hitting a quick 5 for each partner, but this can be done as alternating single reps.

Optional Accessories

For Quality:

5 Supersets

2 Supinated Strict Chest to Bar Pull-Ups

7 Deficit Pushups

Rest 1:00 b/s

Look to perform challenging reps here today, while still achieving full range of motion. Add load/assistance as able/needed.


