

400m Group Run

6 minute EMOM, Rotate each minute:

Minute 1: Empty Barbell

5 Romanian Deadlifts

5 Tall Muscle Cleans

5 Strict Press

Minute 2: 5 Inchworm to Hollow + 10 Hollow Rocks

Minute 3: :40 Second Yoga Pushups

Workout Primer

3 Sets, Progressing loads to just under weight

Hang Power Clean + Push Press

Low Hang Power Clean + Push Jerk

Power Clean + Push Jerk

Rest 1:00 b/s


3x3 Quick Singles Working up to working weights

Practicing efficiency of foot work and the catch in the dip to the drive into extension and redip underneath the barbell.

"Strength and Honor"

For Time:

Work 3:00 On/1:00 Off

400/300m Run

-Max Clean & Jerks remaining time until you reach 30 Reps

Barbell: 80/55kg

Score = Total Running Time on the Clock

Objectives / Stimulus / RPE / Workout Strategy

Goal: 14:00-19:00

Time Cap: 6 Sets / 23:00 minutes

Stimulus: Barbell Conditioning

RPE: 8/10

Primary Objective: 6+ Reps per Round

Secondary Objective: Run Under 2:00

Run fast, lift heavy. This barbell should be on the challenging side, but we should be able to cycle the barbell in solid and smooth singles from the start. We want to see consistency on the run time from round to round, earning around 1:00 to push the pace on the barbell. To be clear, this is 3:00 on/1:00 off of work until you accumulate 30 reps of clean & jerks. Each 3:00 window starts with a 400m run, with whatever time remaining being used to work towards your 30 rep goal.

Optional Accessories 

3 Sets, For Quality

8/8 Single Arm Z-Press

10 Reverse Nordic Curls

:30 second Weighted Wall Sit


