% Starting @ 60-65% of 1RM and Building to Heavy for the Day
For the Segmented Clean, Pause Once @ 2’’ Below the Knee
Extra Instructions / Goals
We will perform the Segmented Clean Pull + Hang Power Clean then drop the bar, rest for 10 seconds to prepare for a full Power Clean and Push Jerk. The focus today will be pulling off the floor with consistency while staying tight through the middle and then a firm punch into the catch position on the Push Jerk. We are looking for a strong lockout over midline.
Set 1: 10 Reps @ 60/40kg
Set 2: 8 Reps @ 70/47.5kg
Set 3: 6 Reps @ 80/55kg
Set 4: 4 Reps @ 90/62.5kg
Set 5: 2 Reps @ 100/70kg
"Rocky Road"
5 Sets, For Max Reps
1:00 AMRAP
*Clean and Jerks
-Max Bar Facing Burpees
- 1:00 Rest b/t Sets -
Goal / Objectives / Notes
Goal: Complete each working set on the barbell before the 40 second mark
Stimulus: Barbell Conditioning / Anaerobic
RPE: 9/10
Primary Objective: Stay consistent on the barbell with cycling reps moving from about 1 every 3 seconds to 1 every 15-20 seconds on the final barbell.
Secondary Objective: Complete 6+ Bar Facing Burpees Each Set
The focus here is on the barbell today and planning out how you are going to cycle the reps and then moving into a fast finish on the burpees. The 1:00 rest is in there as just enough rest to get you back to center and adjust loads before starting the next set. Changing the weights will create more fatigue and a challenge, so be smart about how hard you hit those burpees on the first few sets. For some this workout will feel easier as it goes.