MOBILITY (10 mins)
Lacrosse Ball
Broomstick etc…
PERFORMANCE (200m Run) and FITNESS (100m Run)
6 Rounds for time
200m/100m Run*
6/5 Cal Airbike
6 HSPU (Kipping) or 7 HR Pushups
6 Burpees
6 Alternating DB Hang Snatch 22.5/15
6 High Box Jumps 30/24
*100m Run is Carpark entrance and Back
2 Rounds
10 Bird Dogs Alternating
10 Alternating KB Pendlay Rows
10 DB Windmills or DB Single Leg Deadlifts (5 per side)
15-10 GHD Sit-ups or Plate Sit-ups
15-10m Disc Drag or Knee Tucks
15-10 V-Snaps