"Sticky Gecko"
4 Rounds for Time, With a Partner
400m Medball Run
50 Partner Wall Balls
50 Kettlebell Swings
Medball: 9/6kg, 10/9ft
Kettlebell 24/16kg
Goals / Stimulus / Objectives
Score = For Time
Goal Time Domain: 20-25 minutes
Cap: 28:00
Stimulus: Leg Stamina / Aerobic Capacity
RPE: 7.5/10
Primary Objective: Complete the Wall Balls unbroken
Secondary Objective: Complete the Kettlebell Swings in sets of 10 or greater
Workout Flow, Strategy and Coaching Notes:
400m Medball Run
• One partner carries the medball at a time. Switch as needed to avoid excessive fatigue.
• Aim for a consistent pace that allows for smooth transitions into the wall balls.
• Communication is key—decide on switch points before you start.
50 Partner Wall Balls
• Stand side by side and Shoot the Medball to the Target alternating reps for a combined 50 total repetitions.
• Plan to go unbroken here as these style Wall Ball shots are easier than traditional as you have 1 rep to recover between each
50 American Kettlebell Swings
• Plan to work into sets of 10-15 reps at a time switching as needed between partners until 50 total reps are completed.
• Focus on hip extension with a neutral spine throughout the movement.