MONDAY May 3 Written By David Koni MOBILITY/SPECIFIC PREP S1. Lat Stretch (90 secs per side)S2. Dynamic Shoulder Primer BODY WEIGHT STRENGTH (WEEK 3) FITNESS Every 2 mins ( 3 Rounds)8 Strict Pull-ups16 Push-ups (Add target if needed) PERFORMANCE Every 3 mins ( 3 Rounds)10 Strict Pull-ups20 Plate Deficit Push-ups CONDITIONING FITNESS4 Rounds For Time:15/12 Calorie Row15 Box Step Overs 24″/20″12 Knees 2 Chest 9 Double Dumbbell Front Squats 15/10 PERFORMANCE 4 Rounds For Time:18/14 Calorie Row15 Box Jump Overs 24″/20″12 Toes To Bar9 Double Dumbbell Front Squats 22.5/15 MIDLINE 3 Rounds 10 KB Turkish Sit-ups (5 per arm) 20 Ab Mat Situps 30 KB Flutter Kicks AKL LADIES STRENGTH 3 Rounds 12 Barbell Back Squats 10 DB Romanian Deadlifts (with band) 30/20 Mountain Climbers on Discs CONDITIONING 4 Rounds For Time:15/12 Calorie Row15 Box Step Overs 24″/20″12 Lying T2B 9 Double Dumbbell Front Squats MIDLINE 15-12-9 Reps of Med Ball Sit-ups Plate Lying Leg Raises David Koni
MONDAY May 3 Written By David Koni MOBILITY/SPECIFIC PREP S1. Lat Stretch (90 secs per side)S2. Dynamic Shoulder Primer BODY WEIGHT STRENGTH (WEEK 3) FITNESS Every 2 mins ( 3 Rounds)8 Strict Pull-ups16 Push-ups (Add target if needed) PERFORMANCE Every 3 mins ( 3 Rounds)10 Strict Pull-ups20 Plate Deficit Push-ups CONDITIONING FITNESS4 Rounds For Time:15/12 Calorie Row15 Box Step Overs 24″/20″12 Knees 2 Chest 9 Double Dumbbell Front Squats 15/10 PERFORMANCE 4 Rounds For Time:18/14 Calorie Row15 Box Jump Overs 24″/20″12 Toes To Bar9 Double Dumbbell Front Squats 22.5/15 MIDLINE 3 Rounds 10 KB Turkish Sit-ups (5 per arm) 20 Ab Mat Situps 30 KB Flutter Kicks AKL LADIES STRENGTH 3 Rounds 12 Barbell Back Squats 10 DB Romanian Deadlifts (with band) 30/20 Mountain Climbers on Discs CONDITIONING 4 Rounds For Time:15/12 Calorie Row15 Box Step Overs 24″/20″12 Lying T2B 9 Double Dumbbell Front Squats MIDLINE 15-12-9 Reps of Med Ball Sit-ups Plate Lying Leg Raises David Koni