Min 1: 15/11 Calorie Echo Bike.
Min 2: 40m Farmers Carry
Min 3: 20/15 Push-Ups
Min 4: 15 Toe to Bar
Min 5: Rest
Farmers Carry Load: KB’s at 24/20kg or DB’s at 22.5/15kg
Goals / Stimulus / Objectives
Stimulus: Midline Conditioning
RPE: 7/10
Primary Objective: Complete each movement in 45 seconds or less
Secondary Objective: Manage fatigue and keep overall RPE to 7/10 or less
This EMOM is centered around moving with purpose, developing better muscular endurance and tackling some midline work. The true emphasis of the day is actually on the strength superset and we should be tackling this EMOM as an accessory conditioning piece that allows for added reps, core conditioning, and quality work on a Thursday leading into a higher capacity workout on Friday.