:45/:45 Couch Stretch
10:00, For Quality
10 Air Squats
10 Push Ups
5 Muscle Clean
5 Strict Press
Empty Barbell then progress loads…
Strength / Weightlifting
Front Squat + Jerk
Every 2:00 x 6 Sets
2 Front Squats + 2 Jerks
Perform @ 75-85%
*Any style jerk today, athlete choice.
% is Based on 1RM Clean & Jerk
Performance and Fitness
For Time:
5 Rounds
15/12 Wallballs
12/9 Pull-Ups
9 Burpees 2 Target
6 Front Squats 42.5/30
Goals / Stimulus / Objectives
Goal: 8:00-12:00
*Time-cap 15:00
Score: Time
RPE: 9/10
Primary Objective: Overall Time
Secondary Objective: Go Big on the Pull-Ups
0ptional Accessories
For Quality:
Part A
6:00 EMOM
Minute 1 - :45 Dead Hang
Minute 2 - 6/6 Single Leg Kettlebell Deadlift
Part B
3 Rounds
Add load to the dead hang if able. Use a moderate load on the single leg deadlifts.