MONDAY Jan 10 Written By David Koni MOBILITY AND MAINTENANCE S1. Wall Couch Stretch S2. Lacrosse Ball GlutesSTRENGTHPERFORMANCE and FITNESS Front Squat ComplexOn the 1:30 x 6 Sets1 Pausing Front Squat2 Front SquatCONDITIONING FITNESS AMRAP 20:15 Wallballs 9/6 15 KB Swings 15 Box Step-Ups 15 Push Presses 15/9 Calorie Row PERFORMANCE AMRAP 20:20 Wallballs 9/6 20 Power Snatches 20 Box Jumps 20 Push Presses 20/14 Calorie Row David Koni
MONDAY Jan 10 Written By David Koni MOBILITY AND MAINTENANCE S1. Wall Couch Stretch S2. Lacrosse Ball GlutesSTRENGTHPERFORMANCE and FITNESS Front Squat ComplexOn the 1:30 x 6 Sets1 Pausing Front Squat2 Front SquatCONDITIONING FITNESS AMRAP 20:15 Wallballs 9/6 15 KB Swings 15 Box Step-Ups 15 Push Presses 15/9 Calorie Row PERFORMANCE AMRAP 20:20 Wallballs 9/6 20 Power Snatches 20 Box Jumps 20 Push Presses 20/14 Calorie Row David Koni