THURSDAY Apr 13 Written By David Koni THURSDAY MOBILITY/SPECIFIC PREPM. Lacrosse Ball Glutes/Hip Flexor SP. 1 Round 10 Banded Good Mornings 10 Alternating Cossack Squats 10 KB Good Mornings (5 per arm)10 Plank Get-Ups 20 Alternating Calf Stretch (In Prone)CONDITIONING AMRAP 20 FITNESS60 Single-Unders, 300/200m Row60 Single-Unders, 3 Rounds of “HAM” PERFORMANCE40 Double-Unders, 400/300m Row40 Double-Unders, 3 Rounds of “IA”1 Round of “HAM”:5 C2B Pull-ups 5 Burpee Box Jump Overs 5 Deadlift 100/75 Work with a partnerPartner A. Starts with 30 Double-Unders, 400/300m RowPartner B. Starts with 30 Double-Unders, 3 Rounds of “HAM”MIDLINE3 Rounds 15-12-9 GHD Situps (or plate situps) 20m Disc Drag (or 15 Knee Tucks on discs) David Koni
THURSDAY Apr 13 Written By David Koni THURSDAY MOBILITY/SPECIFIC PREPM. Lacrosse Ball Glutes/Hip Flexor SP. 1 Round 10 Banded Good Mornings 10 Alternating Cossack Squats 10 KB Good Mornings (5 per arm)10 Plank Get-Ups 20 Alternating Calf Stretch (In Prone)CONDITIONING AMRAP 20 FITNESS60 Single-Unders, 300/200m Row60 Single-Unders, 3 Rounds of “HAM” PERFORMANCE40 Double-Unders, 400/300m Row40 Double-Unders, 3 Rounds of “IA”1 Round of “HAM”:5 C2B Pull-ups 5 Burpee Box Jump Overs 5 Deadlift 100/75 Work with a partnerPartner A. Starts with 30 Double-Unders, 400/300m RowPartner B. Starts with 30 Double-Unders, 3 Rounds of “HAM”MIDLINE3 Rounds 15-12-9 GHD Situps (or plate situps) 20m Disc Drag (or 15 Knee Tucks on discs) David Koni