
2:00 minute Cardio Choice


2 Sets, For Quality

40 second Elevated Prayer Stretch

20 second Extended Reverse Plank Bridge


Strength Test

Take 15:00 minutes to Establish

3RM Bench Press

Extra Instructions:

We should ideally build up with sets of 1-3 reps at a time until we reach about 85% on the bar, then rest 2:00-3:00 minutes before performing a 3 rep max. Ideal scale modifications today would be moving to a Dumbbell Bench Press or Floor Press.

"Muscle Beach" 12:00 AMRAP


4 Rope Up Downs

8 Push-Ups 2 Target

2 Wall Walks

6 Hang Power Cleans


2 Rope Climbs

8 Push-Ups

6m Handstand Walk

8 Hang Power Cleans

Objectives / Stimulus / RPE / Workout Strategy

Goal: ~5 Rounds

Stimulus: Upper Body Gymnastics Density

RPE: 7/10

Primary Objective: Complete each round in under 2:30

Secondary Objective: Unbroken Handstand Walks

Strategy: This workout is meant to be more about consistent movement and treating it like an accessory conditioning piece with the ideal RPE here being in the 6-7 range and just accumulating some volume and reps.\

Optional Accessories

For Completion

3 Sets, For Quality

12 Dumbbell Chest Flys

15 Dumbbell Hex Press

- Max Dual Kettlebell Overhead Hold 53/35lb, 24/16kg


