THURSDAY Jan 25 Written By David Koni SPECIFIC PREP3 Sets, For Quality1:00 minute Row: Increase Intensity on Each Set “Barbell Complex”3 Clean Grip Deadlift3 Hang Clean High Pulls3 Hang Muscle Cleans3 Front Squats3 Push Press10 Behind the Neck Elbow Punch Throughs3 Barbell Squat Jumps for Max Height 10 Cossack Squats:30 second Glute Bridge Hold1 “Barbell Complex”CONDITIONING "Battery Power"PERFORMANCE and FITNESS Every 15:00 minutes, 2 Sets (30:00 minutes Total) FITNESS (25/20 Cal Row)Start in waves, every athlete starts their workout on the rower, send fastest/fittest athlete off first 2nd/3rd athlete start at the top of the min and take 15 mins from start time. 30/24 Calorie Row 6 Clean and Jerks @ 75%400m Run 4 Clean and Jerks @ 80%10 Burpee Bar Hops 2 Clean and Jerks @ 85%% Based on 1-Rep Clean and Jerk*Score = Combined Working Time David Koni
THURSDAY Jan 25 Written By David Koni SPECIFIC PREP3 Sets, For Quality1:00 minute Row: Increase Intensity on Each Set “Barbell Complex”3 Clean Grip Deadlift3 Hang Clean High Pulls3 Hang Muscle Cleans3 Front Squats3 Push Press10 Behind the Neck Elbow Punch Throughs3 Barbell Squat Jumps for Max Height 10 Cossack Squats:30 second Glute Bridge Hold1 “Barbell Complex”CONDITIONING "Battery Power"PERFORMANCE and FITNESS Every 15:00 minutes, 2 Sets (30:00 minutes Total) FITNESS (25/20 Cal Row)Start in waves, every athlete starts their workout on the rower, send fastest/fittest athlete off first 2nd/3rd athlete start at the top of the min and take 15 mins from start time. 30/24 Calorie Row 6 Clean and Jerks @ 75%400m Run 4 Clean and Jerks @ 80%10 Burpee Bar Hops 2 Clean and Jerks @ 85%% Based on 1-Rep Clean and Jerk*Score = Combined Working Time David Koni