THURSDAY Mar 31 Written By David Koni THURSDAYMOBILITY/SPECIFIC PREPM. Lying Banded Hamstring (90 secs per side)SP. 1 Round10 Bird Dogs 5 Cat Cows 10 Banded Assisted Good Mornings 15 Lying Hip Extensions STRENGTHPERFORMANCE Deadlift On the Minute x 3:5/4 Cal Airbike 2 DeadliftsFITNESS Scale Airbike to 4/3 On the Minute x 3:5/4 Cal Airbike 4 DeadliftsRest 1:00On the Minute x 3:5/4 Cal Airbike 3 DeadliftsRest 1:00Keep weight the same in each EMOMFinish on a Heavy Double CONDITIONINGPERFORMANCEFor Time 2 Rounds:6 Power Snatches (40/30)6 Bar-Facing Burpees6 Pull-ups 2 Rounds:6 Power Snatches (50/35)6 Bar-Facing Burpees6 Pull-ups 2 Rounds:6 Power Snatches (45/32.5)6 Bar-Facing Burpees6 Pull-ups FITNESSScale to Power Cleans and Band Assisted Pull-ups or Ring Rows David Koni
THURSDAY Mar 31 Written By David Koni THURSDAYMOBILITY/SPECIFIC PREPM. Lying Banded Hamstring (90 secs per side)SP. 1 Round10 Bird Dogs 5 Cat Cows 10 Banded Assisted Good Mornings 15 Lying Hip Extensions STRENGTHPERFORMANCE Deadlift On the Minute x 3:5/4 Cal Airbike 2 DeadliftsFITNESS Scale Airbike to 4/3 On the Minute x 3:5/4 Cal Airbike 4 DeadliftsRest 1:00On the Minute x 3:5/4 Cal Airbike 3 DeadliftsRest 1:00Keep weight the same in each EMOMFinish on a Heavy Double CONDITIONINGPERFORMANCEFor Time 2 Rounds:6 Power Snatches (40/30)6 Bar-Facing Burpees6 Pull-ups 2 Rounds:6 Power Snatches (50/35)6 Bar-Facing Burpees6 Pull-ups 2 Rounds:6 Power Snatches (45/32.5)6 Bar-Facing Burpees6 Pull-ups FITNESSScale to Power Cleans and Band Assisted Pull-ups or Ring Rows David Koni