EMOM (Every Minute on the Minute) for 20 minutes:

Divide the group into pairs, with each pair starting at a different station. Each pair will perform the following movements simultaneously:

Partner B performs the following movements: (1 min Max Effort)

  • Max distance Farmer's Carry

  • Max effort Row Cals

  • Max effort Burpees

  • Max effort Plank hold

  • Max effort Bar Hang

Partner A performs the following movements:

  • 7/5 Clean and Jerks 60/40

  • 2/1 rope climb or 4 Rope Up/Dwn

  • 12/9 Cal Ski

  • 15 GHD sit-ups

  • 15/10 T2B

Both partners work simultaneously for the entire minute, trying to finish or accumulate as many reps or distance as possible in their respective movements. Once the minute is up, partners switch movements and repeat for the next minute.

After completing 4 minutes (2 rounds each per station). rotate to the next station as a pair. Continue rotating until all pairs have completed 2 rounds at each station.


