MONDAY Nov 23 Written By David Koni MOBILITY AND MAINTENANCES1. Squat MobilityS2. Coaches ChoiceSTRENGTHPERFORMANCE & FITNESSBack SquatEstablish a 1RM Back SquatCONDITIONING FITNESS AMRAP 3’s, resting 3:00 between300/250m Row, 12 Burpees,Max KB Swings 24/20300/250m Row, 12 Burpees,Max Wall Balls300/250m Row, 12 Burpees,Max DB Snatch 22.5/15300/250m Row, 12 Burpees,Max Kipping Knees 2 Chest PERFORMANCE AMRAP 3’s, resting 3:00 between300/250m Row, 15 Burpees,Max KB Swings 24/20300/250m Row, 15 Burpees,Max Wall Balls300/250m Row, 15 Burpees,Max DB Snatch 22.5/15300/250m Row, 15 Burpees,Max T2BMIDLINEDisc Complex AKL LadiesMobility and Maintenance S1. Couch Stretch (90 secs per side)S2. Lacrosse Ball GlutesStrength Superset3 Sets 8 Barbell Push Press straight into 8 Barbell Pendlay RowAfter each superset8 Pikes or Knee Tucks on DiscConditioning 1 min on 1 min off2 Rounds per station before moving to the nextS1. Travelling KB Goblet LungesS2. KB SwingsS3. Air bikeS4. 15m Shuttles (Burpee Each End)S5. DB Snatch Midline2 Rounds (if time)10 V-Snaps10 Single Leg Lying Hip Extensions (L) (foot on step) 10 Single Leg Lying Hip Extensions (R) (foot on step) David Koni
MONDAY Nov 23 Written By David Koni MOBILITY AND MAINTENANCES1. Squat MobilityS2. Coaches ChoiceSTRENGTHPERFORMANCE & FITNESSBack SquatEstablish a 1RM Back SquatCONDITIONING FITNESS AMRAP 3’s, resting 3:00 between300/250m Row, 12 Burpees,Max KB Swings 24/20300/250m Row, 12 Burpees,Max Wall Balls300/250m Row, 12 Burpees,Max DB Snatch 22.5/15300/250m Row, 12 Burpees,Max Kipping Knees 2 Chest PERFORMANCE AMRAP 3’s, resting 3:00 between300/250m Row, 15 Burpees,Max KB Swings 24/20300/250m Row, 15 Burpees,Max Wall Balls300/250m Row, 15 Burpees,Max DB Snatch 22.5/15300/250m Row, 15 Burpees,Max T2BMIDLINEDisc Complex AKL LadiesMobility and Maintenance S1. Couch Stretch (90 secs per side)S2. Lacrosse Ball GlutesStrength Superset3 Sets 8 Barbell Push Press straight into 8 Barbell Pendlay RowAfter each superset8 Pikes or Knee Tucks on DiscConditioning 1 min on 1 min off2 Rounds per station before moving to the nextS1. Travelling KB Goblet LungesS2. KB SwingsS3. Air bikeS4. 15m Shuttles (Burpee Each End)S5. DB Snatch Midline2 Rounds (if time)10 V-Snaps10 Single Leg Lying Hip Extensions (L) (foot on step) 10 Single Leg Lying Hip Extensions (R) (foot on step) David Koni