TUESDAY Nov 24 Written By David Koni MOBILITY AND MAINTENANCE S1. Lacrosse Ball Shoulders S2. Band Assisted Lats S3. Coaches Choice STRENGTH SUPERSET PERFORMANCE and FITNESS Bench Press 12-10-10-8-8Barbell Pendlay Rows 8-8-8-8-8Weight of bench press increase’s, weight of PendLay Row stay the same.CONDITIONING AMRAP 12: FITNESS 50 Single-Unders9 Banded Assisted Pullups 50 Singlle-Unders9 Hang Power Snatches PERFORMANCE 25 Double-Unders9 Pull-ups 25 Double-Unders9 Hang Squat Snatches 42.5/30 BODY ARMOUR 2-3 sets 10 DB Bent Over Rows (per arm)8 Single KB Cross Body Deadlifts (per arm)10 KB Turkish sit-ups (5 per arm) David Koni
TUESDAY Nov 24 Written By David Koni MOBILITY AND MAINTENANCE S1. Lacrosse Ball Shoulders S2. Band Assisted Lats S3. Coaches Choice STRENGTH SUPERSET PERFORMANCE and FITNESS Bench Press 12-10-10-8-8Barbell Pendlay Rows 8-8-8-8-8Weight of bench press increase’s, weight of PendLay Row stay the same.CONDITIONING AMRAP 12: FITNESS 50 Single-Unders9 Banded Assisted Pullups 50 Singlle-Unders9 Hang Power Snatches PERFORMANCE 25 Double-Unders9 Pull-ups 25 Double-Unders9 Hang Squat Snatches 42.5/30 BODY ARMOUR 2-3 sets 10 DB Bent Over Rows (per arm)8 Single KB Cross Body Deadlifts (per arm)10 KB Turkish sit-ups (5 per arm) David Koni