MONDAY Jan 18 Written By David Koni MOBILITYWall Couch StretchSPECIFIC PREP1 Round10 Alternating Mobility Lunges10 Alternating Cossack Squats10 KB Waiter Squats (5 per side)(2 sec Pause in the Pocket)10 Pausing Glute Bridges(2 sec Pause at the top) STRENGTH FITNESSS1. Back SquatBuild to a Heavy 3 Reps Back SquatS2. Strict PressBuild to a Heavy 3 Reps Push Press PERFORMANCES1. Back Squat12 mins to build to a1 Rep MaxS2. Strict Press12 mins to build to a1 Rep MaxCONDITIONINGAMRAP 20: FITNESS15 Wallballs 9/615 KB Swings15 Box Step-Ups15 Push Presses15/9 Calorie Row PERFORMANCE20 Wallballs 9/620 Power Snatches 35/2520 Box Jumps 24″/20″20 Push Presses 35/2520/14 Calorie Row AKL LADIESMOBILITYWall Couch StretchSPECIFIC PREP1 Round10 Alternating Mobility Lunges10 Alternating Cossack Squats10 KB Waiter Squats (5 per side)(2 sec Pause in the Pocket)10 Pausing Glute Bridges(2 sec Pause at the top)STRENGTHBack Squat5-5-5-5-5CONDITIONINGAMRAP 1515 Wallballs15 KB Swings15 Box Step-Ups15 DB Push Presses15/9 Calorie RowMIDLINE2-3 Rounds 10m Disc Drag scale to 10 Knee Tucks20 Lying Hip Extensions10 V-Snaps David Koni
MONDAY Jan 18 Written By David Koni MOBILITYWall Couch StretchSPECIFIC PREP1 Round10 Alternating Mobility Lunges10 Alternating Cossack Squats10 KB Waiter Squats (5 per side)(2 sec Pause in the Pocket)10 Pausing Glute Bridges(2 sec Pause at the top) STRENGTH FITNESSS1. Back SquatBuild to a Heavy 3 Reps Back SquatS2. Strict PressBuild to a Heavy 3 Reps Push Press PERFORMANCES1. Back Squat12 mins to build to a1 Rep MaxS2. Strict Press12 mins to build to a1 Rep MaxCONDITIONINGAMRAP 20: FITNESS15 Wallballs 9/615 KB Swings15 Box Step-Ups15 Push Presses15/9 Calorie Row PERFORMANCE20 Wallballs 9/620 Power Snatches 35/2520 Box Jumps 24″/20″20 Push Presses 35/2520/14 Calorie Row AKL LADIESMOBILITYWall Couch StretchSPECIFIC PREP1 Round10 Alternating Mobility Lunges10 Alternating Cossack Squats10 KB Waiter Squats (5 per side)(2 sec Pause in the Pocket)10 Pausing Glute Bridges(2 sec Pause at the top)STRENGTHBack Squat5-5-5-5-5CONDITIONINGAMRAP 1515 Wallballs15 KB Swings15 Box Step-Ups15 DB Push Presses15/9 Calorie RowMIDLINE2-3 Rounds 10m Disc Drag scale to 10 Knee Tucks20 Lying Hip Extensions10 V-Snaps David Koni