MONDAY Oct 16 Written By David Koni STRENGTHPERFORMANCE Deadlift Warm-up sets 3 x 6 reps Working sets 6-6-6-6-6Rest 90 secs between working sets Session 2 we hit 7-7-7-7-7Add more weight if session 2 was not overly taxing.CONDITIONING FITNESS AMRAP 12:50 Single-Under’s9 Banded Assisted Pullups 50 Singlle-Under’s9 Hang Power Snatches 42.5/15 PERFORMANCE AMRAP 12:25 Double-Under’s9 Pull-ups 25 Double-Under’s9 Hang Squat Snatches 42.5/30 FBB FINISHER (3 Rounds)8 Kneeling DB Curl and Press 12 Deficit Pushups David Koni
MONDAY Oct 16 Written By David Koni STRENGTHPERFORMANCE Deadlift Warm-up sets 3 x 6 reps Working sets 6-6-6-6-6Rest 90 secs between working sets Session 2 we hit 7-7-7-7-7Add more weight if session 2 was not overly taxing.CONDITIONING FITNESS AMRAP 12:50 Single-Under’s9 Banded Assisted Pullups 50 Singlle-Under’s9 Hang Power Snatches 42.5/15 PERFORMANCE AMRAP 12:25 Double-Under’s9 Pull-ups 25 Double-Under’s9 Hang Squat Snatches 42.5/30 FBB FINISHER (3 Rounds)8 Kneeling DB Curl and Press 12 Deficit Pushups David Koni