MONDAY May 31 Written By David Koni MOBILITY/SPECIFIC PREP S1. Structural Balance S2. Broomstick Complex CLEAN and JERK TECHNIQUE On the 1:30 x 5 Sets1 Pausing Power Clean1 Power Clean1 Pausing Push Jerk1 Push Jerk*Pause 1 second in the catch position of both the clean and the jerk.CLEAN and JERK On The Minute x 8 Sets:1 Clean & JerkBuild in weight after every 2 sets.CONDITIONING FITNESS 10 Rounds3 Power Clean and Jerks 3 Pull-ups 3 Burpee Bar Hops PERFORMANCE 10 Rounds3 Power Clean and Jerks 3 C2B Pull-ups 3 Burpee Bar Hops AKL LADIES STRENGTH 12-10-8 Barbell Back SquatsKB SDHPCONDITIONING 3 Rounds for Time300/200m Row 5 Strict Pull-ups 10 Alternating DB Hang Clean and Press 12 KB Goblet Squats 14 KB Swings MIDLINE 2 Rounds 20 Ab Mat Situps 15 KB Lying Leg Raises 10 Plank Get-Ups David Koni
MONDAY May 31 Written By David Koni MOBILITY/SPECIFIC PREP S1. Structural Balance S2. Broomstick Complex CLEAN and JERK TECHNIQUE On the 1:30 x 5 Sets1 Pausing Power Clean1 Power Clean1 Pausing Push Jerk1 Push Jerk*Pause 1 second in the catch position of both the clean and the jerk.CLEAN and JERK On The Minute x 8 Sets:1 Clean & JerkBuild in weight after every 2 sets.CONDITIONING FITNESS 10 Rounds3 Power Clean and Jerks 3 Pull-ups 3 Burpee Bar Hops PERFORMANCE 10 Rounds3 Power Clean and Jerks 3 C2B Pull-ups 3 Burpee Bar Hops AKL LADIES STRENGTH 12-10-8 Barbell Back SquatsKB SDHPCONDITIONING 3 Rounds for Time300/200m Row 5 Strict Pull-ups 10 Alternating DB Hang Clean and Press 12 KB Goblet Squats 14 KB Swings MIDLINE 2 Rounds 20 Ab Mat Situps 15 KB Lying Leg Raises 10 Plank Get-Ups David Koni