
2 Sets, For Quality

200m Run

5 Tall Muscle Cleans

10 Behind the Neck Elbow Punch Throughs

8 Back Rack Reactive Quarter Squat Jumps

6 Bradford Press with Lockout

Barbell Cycling Practice

The focus today is to find that quick single cycling pattern that allows for athletes to stay efficient and smooth throughout this workout. Have athletes hit some reps with a pause in the catch of the clean and then overhead, then hitting a push jerk with a pause in the catch. Next we will go directly from the clean into the push jerk, still pausing in the push jerk, then standing to full extension. After that we want to think about a catch + catch and stand. This way it begins to feel flowy and rhythmic for quick singles. This will be the intent and goal of the training session today.

“Iron Lung”

5 Rounds for Time

200m Run

10 Clean and Jerks 60/40kg

Core / Glute Finisher:

3 Sets, For Quality

10/10 Single Leg Glute Bridge

30 sec Glute Bridge Hold

10 GHD Glute Ham Raises

15 V-Ups

Rest as needed between sets


