WEDNESDAY Dec 9 Written By David Koni MOBILITY AND MAINTENANCE S1. Dynamic Stretch S2. Broomstick Complex BODYWEIGHT STRENGTH 10-8-6-4-2Strict Pullups 15-13-11-9-6 Pushups CONDITIONINGEMOM 25 FITNESSMin 1. 15 Wall Balls Min 2. 12 DB Snatch Min 3. 12 Box Jumps Overs Min 4. 9 Burpees Min 5. REST PERFORMANCE Min 1. 20 Wall Balls Min 2. 18 DB Snatch 22.5/15 Min 3. 16 Box Jumps Overs Min 4. 14 Burpees Min 5. RESTMIDLINE 3 Rounds 10 Disc Inch worms the disc drag remainder of Astro 10 V-Snaps 10 Plank Get-Ups AKL LadiesMobility and MaintenanceS1. Band Assisted Lats and Shoulders S2. Mobility Lunges and Banded Good Mornings Conditioning EMOM 20 Min 1. 15/12 Wall Balls @ 6/4kgMin 2. 16/12 DB Snatch Min 3. 12/8 Box Jump or Step Overs Min 4. 9/6 Burpees Min 5. REST Midline3 Rounds 3 Rounds 10 Disc Pikes or Knee Tucks10 V-Snaps 30 Mountain Climbers on Disc David Koni
WEDNESDAY Dec 9 Written By David Koni MOBILITY AND MAINTENANCE S1. Dynamic Stretch S2. Broomstick Complex BODYWEIGHT STRENGTH 10-8-6-4-2Strict Pullups 15-13-11-9-6 Pushups CONDITIONINGEMOM 25 FITNESSMin 1. 15 Wall Balls Min 2. 12 DB Snatch Min 3. 12 Box Jumps Overs Min 4. 9 Burpees Min 5. REST PERFORMANCE Min 1. 20 Wall Balls Min 2. 18 DB Snatch 22.5/15 Min 3. 16 Box Jumps Overs Min 4. 14 Burpees Min 5. RESTMIDLINE 3 Rounds 10 Disc Inch worms the disc drag remainder of Astro 10 V-Snaps 10 Plank Get-Ups AKL LadiesMobility and MaintenanceS1. Band Assisted Lats and Shoulders S2. Mobility Lunges and Banded Good Mornings Conditioning EMOM 20 Min 1. 15/12 Wall Balls @ 6/4kgMin 2. 16/12 DB Snatch Min 3. 12/8 Box Jump or Step Overs Min 4. 9/6 Burpees Min 5. REST Midline3 Rounds 3 Rounds 10 Disc Pikes or Knee Tucks10 V-Snaps 30 Mountain Climbers on Disc David Koni