Burpee Practice + Wall Walk Efficiency and Practice (2-3 minutes)
5 Slow Burpees focusing on controlled movement
5 Fast Burpees to simulate workout pace
2 Partial Wall Walks (stop halfway up)
2 Full Wall Walks focusing on control and bodyline engagement
Every 3:00 minutes x 4 Sets
Station 1:
200m Run
15/10 Burpees
Station 2:
20/16 Calorie Row
5/3 Wall Walks
"Raticate" is a high-intensity interval workout that alternates between two stations every 3 minutes for 4 sets. Each station combines cardio and bodyweight movements, requiring athletes to move efficiently while managing fatigue. The goal is to complete the work within the 3-minute window, leaving time for recovery before the next round.
Goal: Maintain 1:45 - 2:15 / Set
Primary Objective: Complete each working segment by 2:30 on the clock
Secondary Objective: Maintain consistent paces across all sets. Work hard to maintain a good quality pace that helps you avoid drop off in the later rounds here.