
2-3 Sets, For Quality

10 Alternating Arm Swings

10 Back Slaps

10/10 Wrist Circles

5/5 Pendulum Lunges

Barbell Primer

2 Sets

3 Tall Muscle Cleans

3 Tall Power Cleans

3 Tall Squat Cleans

3 Low Hang Squat Cleans

10 Back Rack Cossack Squats

5 Barbell Reactive Quarter Squat Jumps

Squat Clean Complex

For Load:

Every 2:00 x 5 Sets 

1 Segment Squat Clean

2 Low Hang Squat Clean

Set 1: @ 65%

Set 2: @ 70%

Set 3: @ 70%

Set 4: @ 75%

Set 5: @ 75%

Extra Instructions

The segment will be a 1s pause at the knee.

% is Based On 1RM Squat Clean

Record Each Working Weight

Video Support:

Segment Lifting - Knee

"The Thief"

Every 5:00 x 3 Sets

Performance and Fitness

8 Power Cleans

8 Front Rack Reverse Lunges

200m Run

8 Front Rack Reverse Lunges

8 Squat Cleans

Barbell: 60/40kg

Objectives / Stimulus / RPE / Workout Strategy

Goal: Complete each set in 2:30-3:00

Time Cap: 4:00 per set 

Stimulus: Posterior Chain / Muscular Endurance

RPE: 7/10 

Optional Accessories 

For Quality:

3 Sets

5/5 Pallof Press w/ Rotation

10/10 KB Side Crunches


