THURSDAY Apr 1 Written By David Koni MOBILITY Dynamic Travelling Series CONDITIONING FITNESS EMOM 20:Min 1 and Min 2. 18/12 Cal Airbike Min 3. 3-5 Rope Walks Min 4. 1 min Max Dead Ball Over the Shoulder Min 5. REST PERFORMANCE EMOM 20:Min 1 and Min 2. 24/18 Cal Airbike Min 3. 2-3 Rope Climbs Min 4. 1 min Max Dead Ball Over the Shoulder Min 5. REST Deadball Weight.RX. 55/45INT/MST. 45/35 BEG. 35/25 MIDLINE PERFORMANCE 3 Rounds 10 Parallette Pass Throughs 10 GHD Back Extensions 10 Disc Inch Worms 10 Disc Lying Hamstring Curls David Koni
THURSDAY Apr 1 Written By David Koni MOBILITY Dynamic Travelling Series CONDITIONING FITNESS EMOM 20:Min 1 and Min 2. 18/12 Cal Airbike Min 3. 3-5 Rope Walks Min 4. 1 min Max Dead Ball Over the Shoulder Min 5. REST PERFORMANCE EMOM 20:Min 1 and Min 2. 24/18 Cal Airbike Min 3. 2-3 Rope Climbs Min 4. 1 min Max Dead Ball Over the Shoulder Min 5. REST Deadball Weight.RX. 55/45INT/MST. 45/35 BEG. 35/25 MIDLINE PERFORMANCE 3 Rounds 10 Parallette Pass Throughs 10 GHD Back Extensions 10 Disc Inch Worms 10 Disc Lying Hamstring Curls David Koni