4-6 Quality Working Sets of Complex, Building Loads
Hang Muscle Snatch +
Hang Power Snatch +
Snatch Balance +
Hang Squat Snatch
Ideally start with an empty barbell for the first set, then add light loads to prime the system and build into the workout.
Extra Instructions / Goals
Record all loads used. This is meant to be a working primer that is coach led for the first set or two in order to have athletes understand the movement patterns and dial things in. Then another 3-5 working sets building loads for those that it is appropriate for.
16:00 EMOM
Min 1: 3 Hang Squat Snatch + 5 Overhead Squat
Min 2: 12 Toe to Bar
Min 3: 6/6 Dumbbell Hang Split Snatch
Min 4: Rest
Scaled. Hang Squat Cleans + Front Squat
Hang Snatch + Overhead Squat Complex @ 70%+ of 1RM Snatch
% based on Snatch
Dumbbell Load: 22.5/15kg
Goal / Objectives / Notes
Goal: Complete the Hang Snatch + Overhead Squats as one unbroken complex
Stimulus: Weightlifting / Barbell Conditioning and Midline
RPE: 7/10
Primary Objective: Hang Snatch Complex
Secondary Objective: Unbroken Toe to Bar
We will be focusing on the barbell today with the primer weightlifting piece into the EMOM. The EMOM is meant to take us from around 70% of our 1RM to 80% of our 1RM. We can do the 3 Hang Snatch, then power snatch it up and move into the Overhead Squat, but ideally this is to be done unbroken. When looking at the rest of the EMOM, the Toe to Bar should be done in 2 sets or less and then for the Dumbbell Split Snatch, this is some added technique and coordination for the body, which will add a little fun and variance to the day.