MONDAY Aug 1 Written By David Koni MOBILITYWall Couch Stretch (2 mins per side)SPECIFIC PREP 5 KB Single Leg Deadlift + Reverse Lunge (R)5 KB Single Leg Deadlift + Reverse Lunge (L)5 Plank Get-Ups + 20 Shoulder Taps + 20 Crawlers 5 KB Waiter Squats (R)5 KB Waiter Squats (L)STRENGTH PERFORMANCE AND FITNESS EMOM 10 2 Back Squats Aim is not to max out with weight, instead to focus on posture/position/range of motion. Option to increase load incrementally every min or every 2mins. Aim is to finish on a Heavy set of 2 CONDITIONING FITNESS AMRAP 1516 Wallballs 14 Alternating DB Snatch12/9 Cal Row or Ski Erg 10 Burpees PERFORMANCE AMRAP 1521 Wallballs 9/6 18 Alternating DB Snatch 22.5/15 15/12 Cal Row or Ski Erg 12 Burpees Work in with a Partner, one starting on Wall Balls, other starting on Cals DISC MIDLINE 2-3 Rounds 10m Inch Worm 10m Disc Drag David Koni
MONDAY Aug 1 Written By David Koni MOBILITYWall Couch Stretch (2 mins per side)SPECIFIC PREP 5 KB Single Leg Deadlift + Reverse Lunge (R)5 KB Single Leg Deadlift + Reverse Lunge (L)5 Plank Get-Ups + 20 Shoulder Taps + 20 Crawlers 5 KB Waiter Squats (R)5 KB Waiter Squats (L)STRENGTH PERFORMANCE AND FITNESS EMOM 10 2 Back Squats Aim is not to max out with weight, instead to focus on posture/position/range of motion. Option to increase load incrementally every min or every 2mins. Aim is to finish on a Heavy set of 2 CONDITIONING FITNESS AMRAP 1516 Wallballs 14 Alternating DB Snatch12/9 Cal Row or Ski Erg 10 Burpees PERFORMANCE AMRAP 1521 Wallballs 9/6 18 Alternating DB Snatch 22.5/15 15/12 Cal Row or Ski Erg 12 Burpees Work in with a Partner, one starting on Wall Balls, other starting on Cals DISC MIDLINE 2-3 Rounds 10m Inch Worm 10m Disc Drag David Koni