TUESDAY Jul 11 Written By David Koni MOBILITYFoam Roller SPECIFIC PREP KB Structural Balance Barbell Squat Prep CONDITIONING (For Time) PERFORMANCE and FITNESS 9-6-3:OH Squats 42.5/30 C2B Pull-Ups 50 Double-Unders For Time:15-12-9:Hang Power Cleans 42.5/30 Toes to Bar100 Double-Unders12-9-6:Thrusters 42.5/30 Pull-Ups75 Double-UndersACCESSORY (For Quality not for time)15-12-9 reps of GHD Situps Ring Rows KB Standing Oblique Crunches (L/R) David Koni
TUESDAY Jul 11 Written By David Koni MOBILITYFoam Roller SPECIFIC PREP KB Structural Balance Barbell Squat Prep CONDITIONING (For Time) PERFORMANCE and FITNESS 9-6-3:OH Squats 42.5/30 C2B Pull-Ups 50 Double-Unders For Time:15-12-9:Hang Power Cleans 42.5/30 Toes to Bar100 Double-Unders12-9-6:Thrusters 42.5/30 Pull-Ups75 Double-UndersACCESSORY (For Quality not for time)15-12-9 reps of GHD Situps Ring Rows KB Standing Oblique Crunches (L/R) David Koni